New title!

Finally, some novel-related news to post . . . I have a shiny new title! The novel formerly known as The Frame Game is now called TOKYO HEIST. So different! It will take me a little while to get used to the change. I keep looking at the new title like it’s my...

Coming Up For Air

I’m coming up for air! I’ve missed blogging, but for the past couple of weeks I have been focused on the editorial letter I received from my publisher, and my impending revision of The Frame Game. After three passes through the manuscript and thirty pages...

Word Slasher!

So I’m gearing up to revise my novel (THE FRAME GAME, the one to be published). I have been asked, among other things, to cut the word count by quite a bit. I recognize I have a tendency to over-complicate, so I’m immensely grateful for editorial advice at...