It’s been a busy Citizen Science Month!
I’m excited to finally announce that we raised $1000 for Zoo New England through TROUBLE AT TURTLE POND sales. Thanks to everyone who purchased through Silver Unicorn on launch day, and pre ordered the book.

These funds will help support the H.A.T.C.H program, which had a large part in inspiring my book. They do important work with Blanding’s Turtles and other turtles. To quote their site…
“To date, over 40 K-12 schools in Massachusetts participate in HATCH. At each school, classrooms raise newbornturtle hatchlings over the course of the year and then release the turtles back into the wild during field trips to local conservation areas. By giving them this “headstart,” students directly help conserve dwindling turtle populations by dramatically

Image courtesy of Zoo New England
increasing the odds that each turtle cared for will survive to adulthood. At the same time, students collect and analyze data on hatchlings’ growth while learning about the ecology and importance of our freshwater wetlands. By helping protect native biodiversity and restoring healthy wetlands in their communities, students learn that they can be agents of change in a small but significant way.”
You can learn more here.
There are still signed copies available at Silver Unicorn Books – click here to get yours!
In other news…

I was so honored to have been interviewed by author Elizabeth Norton for Cynsations. We chatted about the mystery writing process, along with some of my biggest writing hacks. You’ll also get more sneak peaks of my writing desk! Click here to read the interview.
The Author’s Note Middle Grade Mashup was a blast!
I loved chatting with Sheela Chari, Elaine Dimopoulos, and Author’s Note bookstore owner Julie Berry — who is also an award-winning children’s book author!
You can find the playback link here if you’d still like to tune in.

Coming up…
Join me and Elaine Dimpoulos at Belmont Books on Friday, May 20 for an IN PERSON event! Click here for more details.