So last week I participated in the My Writing Process Blog Tour (you can read my post here if you missed it), and as promised, this week, right here on this blog, I’m hosting the fabulous Erin Cashman as part of the same tour! (And be sure to check out the other stop on the blog tour today, as my YARN co-editor Kerri Majors talks about her writing process too!)
Erin Cashman is the author of THE EXCEPTIONALS (Holiday House, 2012), which was named a Bankstreet College of Education Best Children’s Book of the Year. It was one of my favorite books from 2012. I love the way that the main character, Claire, struggles with perceiving herself as average amidst extraordinary family members and peers, and I love how she discovers her powerful gift of understanding the thoughts of animals. (A gift I secretly wish I had!) This book is a paranormal story crossed with a suspenseful mystery, and I definitely love a good mystery!
Here’s a bit more about her enchanting novel:
Born into a famous family of exceptionally talented people, fifteen-year-old Claire Walker has deliberately chosen to live an average life. But everything changes the night of the Spring Fling, when her parents decide it’s high time she transferred to Cambial Academy–the prestigious boarding school that her great-grandfather founded for students with supernatural abilities. Despite her attempts to blend in, Claire stands out at Cambial simply because she is normal. But unbeknownst to her new friends, she has a powerful gift she considers too lame to admit. Suddenly, the most talented students in school the Exceptionals begin to disappear. In an attempt to find out what happened to them, Claire comes across a prophecy foretelling a mysterious girl who will use her ability to save Cambial students from a dire fate. Could she be that girl? Claire decides there is only one way to find out: she must embrace her ability once and for all.
Finally, since this is a writing process blog tour we’re on, I should mention Erin is a HUGE part of my own writing process! Not only is she a member of my in-person writing group, but also she has been an amazing critique partner at very early stages of my process. Erin and I swap pages almost weekly. We provide encouragement and highlight red flags to watch out for, and talk through plot snafus. I don’t think I would have drafted my current project so quickly had it not been for Erin, so THANK YOU ERIN!
And now, here’s Erin, in her own words!
I’ve been invited by YA mystery author Diana Renn to be part of the My Writing Process blog tour. I loved Diana’s book, TOKYO HEIST (Viking/Penguin, 2012) It’s about a sixteen-year-old girl, Violet, who finds herself and her father involved in a high stakes mystery involving stolen art that puts their very lives at risk. Violet must travel from Seattle to Japan, and the twists and turns kept me on the edge of my seat! Fans of manga, art, Japan, and complex mysteries will love it! I was lucky enough to read an advanced copy of her new book, LATITUDE ZERO, which comes out this July, and I could not put it down! You can read more about her right here, on her blog! Thanks for hosting me, Diana!
What are you working on?
I’m just finishing a middle grade fantasy novel. It’s a contemporary story rooted in Celtic myth, which also draws from the King Arthur legend. I guess it’s appropriate that I am writing this on St. Patrick’s Day! My mom was born in Galway, Ireland, and I fell in love with Ireland when I visited, especially all of the stories and legends. So much to inspire a fantasy author! After that is finished I am turning back to YA fantasies. I have two story ideas that I am deciding between. Both involve mystery, suspense and romance.
YA author Erin Cashman |
How does your work differ from others of its genre?
There are so many excellent middle grade and YA fantasy novels being published today. I love that readers have so many books to choose from! I have not really thought about this before, but as I did I realized that all of my characters have an insider-outsider perspective. They are part of something, but don’t feel like they belong. In THE EXCEPTIONALS (Holiday House, 2012), Claire is from a family of people that have special abilities. And yet, because her ability (understanding the thoughts of animals) is unique and very difficult to demonstrate, eventually she lies about having it and lives a life away from Cambial Academy, the school her great-grandfather founded to teach other teens with these “specials”. When circumstances force her back to Cambial, she is part of that world, but doesn’t feel like she belongs. In my middle grade fantasy, my main character, a thirteen-year-old boy is part of a secret world, but he doesn’t know it. And yet he doesn’t feel like he fits in anywhere.
Why do you write what you do?
I love reading and writing fantasy novels, and I always have. I remember reading Lord of the Rings in ninth grade, and being completely swept up into the world of middle earth. There is magic in leaving your own worries and escaping into the pages of a fantasy novel. I hope that my readers are able to experience that with my books. I also remember clearly feeling like an outsider at times, and not feeling like I belonged as a teen. I think that’s why my protagonists also grapple with that. Of course, they are much stronger and braver than I was!
How does your writing process work?
An idea usually just hits me out of the blue – on a walk or a drive, or while I’m trying to fall asleep at night. And then as I think about it, a character starts to quickly come to me, and usually a scene plays out in my head. As soon as I can, I take notes, and then I write the scene. For THE EXCEPTIONALS it was when Dylan came out from the woods, and the reader doesn’t know if he is bad or good. At that point, Claire and I didn’t either! But I had to just write it down. Even though the scene is in the second half of the book, it’s the first words that I wrote. After that, I brainstorm. A LOT. I take walks and long drives. I talk about it to anyone who will listen – fellow authors (thank you Diana!), friends, my family. I wonder why my main character is angry, or frightened. How did she get to that scene that I imagined? What does she want? What happens afterwards? I take a lot of notes. I also make a huge poster board of characters. I cut out a picture of what I think he or she looks like, and I describe their personality. I also write pages of character sketches in a note book I keep just for that project. I divide it into sections: characters, plot and setting (I draw really bad maps and diagrams for this one!). In between, I write down scenes that come to me, that just sort of pester me in my head until I do – all out of order. As I write the draft I try not to edit myself. I go back and revise as I go, but I don’t edit my ideas. I write things that seem crazy, knowing I can cut it later. Then, when I’m done, I put it away for a few weeks, read it again, and then outline the book. It is not a very efficient way to write, but it’s the only way I can!
If you follow this tour, every Monday you can read about different writers’ processes and their current works in progress. (It is so great to read about how others write. I often pick up an idea or two that helps me!) Each participant tags two or three new writers, and we all answer the same set of questions. So next Monday, on March 24, you can read about YA fantasy author Lisa Amowitz. I adored her novel, BREAKING GLASS, and can’t wait to read more about her next novel, VISION, coming out this September!
And next Tuesday, March 25, you can read about Martina Boone, whose debut novel, COMPULSION, will be published October 2014. I can’t wait to read more about this darkly romantic, southern gothic YA novel! Read all about it in her blog, AdventuresInYAPublishing.
Thanks again for hosting me, Diana!
Thanks so much for tagging me, Erin! I so enjoyed reading about your writing process — and I will second Diana's recommendation for THE EXCEPTIONALS for anyone who hasn't read it!