Have you heard about Tomo? It’s one of my most anticipated Spring reads. Tomo is an anthology of Young Adult short fiction, verse, and graphic art, all set in or related to Japan. It releases 3/11/12, the anniversary of Japan’s earthquake and tsunami disaster. Proceeds from the book sales support long-term relief efforts for Japanese teens, in the regions most affected by these events.
The word tomo means “friendship,” and I love editor Holly Thompson’s concept of “sharing friendship through fiction.” The thirty-six authors and artists come from all over the world, united by their connection to Japan. Ten of the works are in translation.
You can learn more about the book, including its contributors and the organizations it supports, on the Tomo blog.
Also, the online literary journal YARN (Young Adult Review Network) is offering an exclusive sneak peak at one of the stories! Stop by and check out this wonderful story, “Love Right on the Yesterday,” by Wendy Nelson Tokunaga.
Do you have a favorite Japanese author, or a favorite novel, story, or movie that’s set in Japan?
Two of my favorite book series are actually translated from Japanese. They now have a manga/anime for each but started as light novels.