by Diana Renn | Jun 13, 2013 | GoodReads giveaway, signed copies of Tokyo Heist, Tokyo Heist, Tokyo Heist paperback
Looking for a little extra something to slip into a beach bag this summer? How about a sleek, slim, PAPERBACK copy of Tokyo Heist? To celebrate the paperback release today, I’m giving away three signed copies on GoodReads. This handy widget will take you...
by Diana Renn | Feb 21, 2013 | Seattle Mystery Bookshop, signed copies of Tokyo Heist, Tokyo Heist
Whew — dusty here! (cough, cough). Have I really not updated this blog since January 15? Are those cobwebs over there? Did I leave milk sitting in the fridge? Is that a carcass in the corner? Gah.I’ve just resurfaced after finishing a draft of my next...