Whew — dusty here! (cough, cough). Have I really not updated this blog since January 15? Are those cobwebs over there? Did I leave milk sitting in the fridge? Is that a carcass in the corner? Gah.

I’ve just resurfaced after finishing a draft of my next novel — more on that later — which has taken all my writing time lately. Now that it’s handed in, I’ll be back on the blog, doing some much-needed housekeeping and updating.

But first, just briefly: I’m in Seattle this week, visiting family, and making only ONE book store stop. Tomorrow I’ll be dropping by Seattle Mystery Bookshop around 1:00 to sign stock. It’s not a reading or an  author talk. But unless there’s a gag order I’m unaware of, I will totally talk to you! So if you’re in the area, do come by; I’d love to meet you.

And if you’re in need of a signed hardcover of Tokyo Heist, this fabulous bookstore is THE place to get them. They’ll have some on hand.

More to come!