by Diana Renn | Oct 27, 2015 | A Tattered Copy, Blue Voyage, Blue Voyage blog tour, Cappadocia, Mystery Fanfare, travel mysteries, underground cave cities
Continuing my series of actual travel photos that inspired BLUE VOYAGE scenes, here’s another! This is me, in a cave in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. This region is honeycombed with caves and tunnels and entire underground cities, of which this is one....
by Diana Renn | Oct 13, 2015 | An Unlikely Story, Blue Voyage blog tour, Crime Fiction FM Podcast
Blue Voyage is officially out in the world today! To celebrate, I’m on the CrimeFiction FM podcast talking with host Steve Campbell about the origins of the books, writing teen travel mysteries, and YA mystery. This is an excellent podcast featuring short (15-20...
by Diana Renn | Oct 12, 2015 | Adventures in YA Publishing, Blue Voyage, Blue Voyage blog tour, Blue Voyage giveaway, Blue Voyage virtual tour, Booking Mama, Itching for Books, YA Books Central
It’s the day before BLUE VOYAGE hits shelves — I can’t believe it’s finally time to release this book into the wild! I have some real-life events in the New England/ New York area coming up this fall (including TWO release parties and a writing...